Nocturn jungle runes
Nocturn jungle runes


If enemy team has a lot of heal pick this. Especially if their mid laner is some low damage champion like Twisted Fate and their main damage is AD. This items value increases by a lot when facing heavy AD enemy comps.

nocturn jungle runes

(Each camp/scuttle crab gives 4 cs, 24 cs -> 6 camps, 28 cs -> 6 camps + scuttle crab and so on)

nocturn jungle runes

So after checking their CS you should be able to infer how many camps they have done already and act accordingly. You usually take the option which is most likely to work where invading is the easiest to pull off. Note that if your lanes have 0 prio, you sadly just have to invade his other buff and try to secure it and basically split the jungle.Īfter your initial clear you should look for either a gank, counter gank or invade into the enemy jungle.


Here you either kill the enemy or take his camps for free because he will be only level 2 at this point leaving him very vulnerable. In This scenario you want to force a fight with the enemy jungler either in your own jungle if he stays or their own jungle which will have almost all camps up. But you should be level 3 shortly after they clear your camp. Nocturne is a very strong duel champion due to his Unspeakable Horror, so you should win most early 1v1 as long as you are even.Īlot of jungler will try to cheese you at level 2 by taking your buff after their own leaving them with 8 CS. Here you just straight up fight him and call for your lanes unless they have 0 prio at all. If you think the enemy jungle will invade you, you might want to place a ward on your other buff or jungle entrances so you can spot them. This takes practice though so head to the practice tool :)


You should be able to full clear in 3:15 so you are lvl 4 at scuttle. If possible you always want to full clear into scuttle. This comes down to your game knowledge and the more you practice the more you will get this right. So you have to think about which lane is most profitable for him to path towards to. You need to start on the opposite side of the enemy jungler. If both top and bot are losing match ups, it basically comes down to you making correct guesses. If you lose scuttle it is not that terrible anymore. Note that due to preseason changes, the first scuttle spawns lose a lot of value. The worst feeling is pathing to the wrong lane and having to hand over scuttle since ur lanes have no priority. Then you start bot and path top lane in order to secure the scuttle crab. Say your bot lane has a losing match up and top is winning. You always want to start opposite of your winning lane matchups. The main question that arises is: Where do you start your route (top/bot)? I do not think anything changes build-wise or playstyle-wise.īefore the game starts always make sure you have a gameplan. Not really game breaking changes, but neat buff in Nocturne's overall strength. I updated the items section a little bit, according to my observations and testing so far. I still need further testing, but Nocturne should still be in a good spot, since he should be fine with trading defensive stats for offensive ones.


I haven't been playing much here, but the patch notes were pretty straight forward in a sense that Nocturne is pretty unaffected by the changes.Īlot of changes to bruiser items where basically HP gets converted to AD (partially) which makes them squishier. Like last patch I have been taking a break from league because I get too mad playing it :) but Nocturne should still be in a very solid spot if you only look at the patch notes.

nocturn jungle runes

In this case Blade of the Ruined King would be better as a 2nd item than Black Cleaver I have seen more people run Blade of the Ruined King after Stridebreaker when you have to 1v1 more than you have to team fight (for example if you have to be the side lane split pusher). I have also been playing again and Nocturne still looks to be in a real good spot. But that is okay, Nocturne has been a strong pick for a long time now and I am sure he will really strong again at some point. I personally stopped playing this champ for now. You can still play him, but you might want to consider getting Blade of the Ruined King since this patch is all about long fights and dps.

nocturn jungle runes

Try Diana with Sunfire Aegis and Demonic Embrace as core.Īfter durability patch Nocturne became a lot weaker. You are better off abusing champs that can build Sunfire Aegis.

Nocturn jungle runes